Divorce, IRAs, and a Twist

Many times when individuals divorce the IRA is split between the spouses. This is done through the divorce decree or separation agreement. An IRA is never split using a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO). That is only used for splitting employer plans, such as...

How Your Inherited IRA is Taxed

Have you inherited an IRA? What type of IRA is it? Your answer will matter a lot when it comes to your tax bill. Inheriting a traditional IRA will have very different tax consequences than inheriting a Roth IRA. Consider the following example. Let’s say Tom named his...

Extreme Lack of Diversification Could Add to Retirement Crisis Balance Gained By Considering Alternative Financial Products Like FIAs

The retirement crisis has become a topic of conversation in the United States, and while its actualization is still widely debated, there is no doubt Americans need to take additional steps in order to ensure a financially stable retirement – one that allows them to...

Retirement Plan Checks and 60-Day Rollovers

Generally, when you receive a check from your IRA custodian or employer plan, you have 60 days to rollover the funds to another retirement account, either an IRA or an employer plan. As with most retirement plan rules, this rule comes with two exceptions – one good...

5 Retirement Savings Strategies for Younger Workers

No one can argue that the millennial generation faces big challenges when it comes to savings. Younger workers are dealing with record setting student loan debt, high housing costs and stagnant wage growth. It’s hard to save for retirement when you are worried about...